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The True Cost Of A Ticket: Frequently Asked Questions About Traffic Violations

No matter how attentive of a driver you may be, mistakes still happen. Maybe you were running late and found yourself with a speeding ticket, or you ran a red light in a momentary lapse of judgment. Though these offenses may seem minor, a traffic ticket can seriously disrupt your driving privileges in Nassau County. At our firm, Lerner & Lerner, P.C., we routinely help clients who are facing such difficult circumstances. Here are some frequently asked questions about traffic violations.

What happens if I fail to pay a ticket?

Ignoring a traffic ticket will only make things worse. Failure to respond to a ticket within the time allotted will result in the suspension of your license. You will also be found guilty of the charges against you by default. If you are putting off dealing with a ticket due to a fear of its consequences, contacting a lawyer may help to assuage your concerns.

Can I drive without auto insurance?

In the State of New York, it is a traffic violation to operate a vehicle without insurance. If you are pulled over and found to not have auto insurance coverage, you may face fines ranging from $150 to $1,500. Your vehicle can also be impounded, and your license and registration revoked. In some cases, offenders can also face up to 15 days in jail.

Will a speeding ticket add points to my driving record?

Yes, a ticket for speeding will impact your driving record. Depending on how fast you were going, you can expect to receive 3-11 points. The accumulation of 11 points in the span of 18 months will result in the suspension of your license. Also, your license will be suspended if you are convicted of three speeds in 18 months, regardless of points. As points can be costly, fighting a traffic ticket can be a worthwhile endeavor.

How long will points remain on my driving record?

After a conviction, points will remain on your record for 18 months from the date that the offense occurred. It is worth noting, however, that insurance companies can look up points going back as far as 36 months. They may then use that information to raise your insurance rates.

How can an attorney help me with a traffic violation?

If you have been issued a traffic ticket, it is important to consider the ramifications of simply pleading guilty. If you already have points on your record, you may have more at stake than a first-time offender. An attorney can assess your case and advocate on your behalf. You may be able to have your charges reduced or dismissed altogether, better preserving the standing of your driving privileges.

If you or a loved one is facing a traffic ticket in Nassau County, contact our firm today. You can schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys by calling 516-741-4100, or by contacting us via email.