If you have been given a speeding ticket in the state of New York, you may feel adamant that you were not over the legal speed limit. You may feel that it is an administrative error, a mistake or a case of mistaken identity. The cost of getting a speeding ticket can be hefty, but it can also put points on your license, which can eventually result in a loss of your license.

If you want to defend yourself successfully against a speeding ticket in the state of New York, it is important that you understand the consequences of speeding, as well as how the appeals process works.

How many points will I get as a result of a speeding ticket?

The number of points that you are set to receive will depend on the miles that you were driving over the legal limit. If you were between one and 10 miles over the speed limit, you will receive three points, and if you were more than 40 miles over the speed limit, you will receive 11 points, and as a result, your license will be suspended.

How can I successfully fight a speeding ticket in the state of New York?

You can fight a speeding ticket by attempting to go to traffic court. An attorney’s services can be very helpful in court. You may be offered a plea bargain in doing so, which could lower the number of points that you will be subject to.

If you are worried about the consequences of your speeding ticket, it is important that you take action in order to defend yourself.