If you have been accused of a cocaine-related crime in the state of New York, it is important that you take such an accusation very seriously. New York’s drug laws are notably strict, and you could face jail time even for simple possession.

Under certain circumstances, you may be able to avoid jail time and other consequences. If you want to avoid jail time after being found with cocaine, it is important that you take the time to understand the law in the state of New York.

What consequences can I face after being found in possession of cocaine?

When you are found to be in the possession of between 500 mg and .125 oz. of cocaine in the state of New York, you could face up to 2.5 years in prison. If you are found to have between .125 oz. and .49 oz. in your possession, you could face up to 5.5 years in jail.

How can I avoid jail time after I have been found with cocaine on my possession?

If you are a first-time offender and if the crime you were charged with was not violent in nature, you may be able to avoid jail time. You may be able to successfully avoid these harsh consequences if you enroll and complete a rehabilitation program. Additionally, you may be able to successfully negotiate a plea agreement.

If you want to negotiate the consequences of a cocaine charge, turn to a defense attorney with experience in New York courts. They can help you understand your options when it comes to possible sentences if you are convicted.