Many people believe that in order to be charged with a domestic violence or a harassment-related crime, physical contact or serious threats to safety must be involved. However, this is simply not the case. The act of stalking is a serious issue in the state of New York, and there are state laws in place in order to tackle the issue.

Therefore, if you are accused of the act of stalking in New York, you may face serious consequences that could have implications for your career. This is why it is important that you take action to defend yourself and understand exactly how the law works.

What is the criminal act of stalking?

Stalking is seen under the law as a type of repeated harassment. In order for an act to be considered as stalking, the victim must have felt under threat in some way. If a person makes a stalking accusation, a restraining order will often be put in place so that they are protected from future harassing behavior.

How is stalking punished in the state of New York?

There are 4 degrees of punishment for instances of stalking in the state of New York. Stalking in the 4th degree is an act in which the perpetrator has no legitimate purpose. In contrast, stalking in the 1st degree is stalking with the threat of intentional or reckless physical harm, usually with a weapon involved.

If you have been accused of the act of stalking in New York, it is vital that you take action to protect yourself and to form your defense.