In the state of New York a person under the age of 21 may not buy or drink alcohol. It may not be consumed with family members or friends, and it is illegal for juveniles to merely possess alcohol. If a juvenile is found to have alcohol in their system while they are driving, they can face significant legal penalties.

Unlike the 0.08 blood alcohol concentration law that applies to most adult cases of drunk driving, youths face a stricter standard when it comes to alcohol in their systems. In New York, a youth is considered to have alcohol in their system if their blood alcohol concentration is at least 0.02 but not in excess of 0.07. If their blood alcohol concentration falls in this range then they are considered to be driving while intoxicated, and they can lose their license for up to six months for a first-time offense.

A youth who drinks and has a blood alcohol concentration over 0.07 may face the serious penalties that adults face when they allegedly drive while intoxicated. Because the impact of a drunk driving conviction can be so significant on a person’s future, it is important that teens and parents take drunk driving charges seriously and work to combat the charges that the kids face.

In many cases it is possible to negotiate down drunk driving charges or to avoid convictions if the charged parties prepare strong defense plans. When a youth’s future is at stake, it is important to take every step necessary to develop a strong juvenile defense strategy.