When a juvenile has been charged with a crime, and is facing serious potential penalties and consequences that go along with the charges, it is important for them and their parents and loved ones to be familiar with their criminal defense rights and options. Both misdemeanor and felony charges can be serious for juveniles and the criminal justice system can be understandably intimidating.

Juvenile defenseresources are important to be familiar with whenever a minor child is facing criminal charges. In New York state, juveniles are prosecuted differently than adults. The aim of the juvenile justice process is to rehabilitate young people, however, juveniles accused of crimes still face significant potential consequences so they should be taken seriously.

With some exceptions, if the juvenile is under the age of 16, the criminal charges will be handled in family law court. If the criminal charges are more serious, such as rape or murder, the criminal case will be moved to the criminal law court. The juvenile faces being sentenced to a detention center, probation or other punishments that do not include incarceration. Additionally, there have been some recent changes in the juvenile justice system in New York that it is important for parents and accused juveniles to be familiar with.

When a juvenile is facing criminal charges, it is understandably alarming and upsetting which is why it is essential to understand the juvenile justice process and juvenile defense options. Knowing how to respond to juvenile criminal charges can help preserve the juvenile’s future which is a top priority for families who have children facing criminal charges.